Saturday, January 3, 2009

Trying to find out my randomness...

Ok, so not only have I been a neglectful blogger...but I've neglected to read my friends' blogs...yikes! My amazing friend Danielle tagged me to write 7 random things about me...and tag others so here goes!

1) I am glad my family is home
2) I wouldn't have minded a couple of more days of solitude! :)
3) I found out that 2 people from my high school in MT don't live that far from me here in KS...weird!
4) I am practicing calligraphy...and its kicking my ass
5) The personal trainer at the gym kicked my ass today!
6) I am completely depressed that they are cancelling Eli Stone, I am a newly addicted fan
7) I was having a hard time choosing between scrapbooking and reading so now I'm listening to audio books while I scrap!

Now its time for others...Lisa, Farrah, Kelley, Lucy, Carin

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